
New Castle Eaton-Water Eaton route

This is the first year that it has been possible to walk by the river all the way from Castle Eaton to Cricklade.

Until now there had been a long road walk to Water Eaton before the Thames could be seen. The new directions from Castle Eaton are:

“At the west end of The Street keep ahead along Mill Lane. After the last house continue down the slope and over the gated bridge.

There is a pond on the right. After a few yards bear right towards the river, passing a clump of trees hiding a pond on the left. At the river turn left upstream. After a footbridge, the river takes a long S-bend to give a view of an old Thames-side chalet at a campsite on the far bank.

There is another footbridge and a more gentle bend. before reaching a band of trees. Do not be tempted south away from the river but take a narrow path through the young trees to find a footbridge. Thios is where the route used to join from the road.

There is then open country, apart from a high long bridge over an inlet, as the path runs near the Water Eaton farm buildings.”

Sadly, the long road walk at Inglesham remains.

See Chapter 19.

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